Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

Fun Facts of the Blackberry

Another device we are all familiar with is the Blackberry. However, did you know that a recent study proved that 33 percent of people who used these wirless handheld devices showed the same signs of addiction of that of alcoholics and drug addicts! Well, that would explain why the device has been termed, “the crack berry!”

There are even terms for the feelings and emotions that Blackberry users experience:

“AaackBerry-ing”-when you’ve left the house without it.

“BraxBerry-ing”-the vibration you get when you don’t even have the blackberry on you.

“Whip-Lashberrying”-looking at your blackberry instead of the road

“Gasp-Berrying”-a message you have read precisely when you are somewhere else.

On most phones the 8 key is associated with the letters T, U and V. On the Blackberry it is the key for B and N.

The blackberry has become so popular that it now comes with its own term for injuries. We have all heard of terms like tennis and golfers elbow. Now the term for overusing the blackberry is, “blackberry thumb!”

One fun fact happened in 2007. The French government actually banned the use of Blackberry’s in ministries and in the presidential palace. They feared there would be snooping by foreign spies.

There are more than 7 million people around the world that use the Blackberry.

The Blackberry is actually made in Canada, by Research in Motion.

There is actually a class for people on how to use their blackberry and the right etiquette to use.

President Barack Obama is obsessed with his Blackberry and absolutely refuses to give it up! In fact, he even ordered a top secret blackberry equipped with Secure Voice software to catch eavesdroppers and spies.

These devices really are an all in one entertainment system when you are on the go and travelling.

In corporate email account users 3.65 million use Blackberry’s.

Did you know that the maker of the Blackberry won an Academy Award in 1998 for a digital film barcode reader? That is quite an accomplishment.

There is actually a book coming out all about the Blackberry and its history.

While many companies are downsizing Research in Motion is actually looking to fill over 1,000 new positions!

The blackberry is mostly used by corporate workers but is becoming more mainstream.

Whether you are addicted or not the blackberry is a device that is mesmerizing everyone. It is being called “Black Magic.”

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